[SCIM] Problems using SCIM in Fedora Core 3

David Oftedal david@start.no
Thu Jan 13 15:38:20 PST 2005


I just switched back to Linux, and installed SCIM using the available 
RPMs on Fedora Core 3. While it seems to have been isntalled, it seems 
to have none of the functionality I remember from Gentoo Linux. ;)

First of all, instead of just popping up in the panel like it should, it 
pops up in the panel, and then creates an _additional_ panel that justs 
flots around on my screen, and can't be closed. If I kill  the proces, 
it stalls the machine for a while and then restarts. Trying to click on 
"Setup" is useless, because nothing happens.

Then there's the issue of input itself. While I can select input methods 
using the menus in the two panels, I can't actually input anything using 
any other method than the English/Keyboard method. In fact, the results 
are identical whether I've started SCIM or not: I get some extra 
accented characters compared to the standard GTK+ input method.

Could anyone give me a few hints on how to make SCIM work in Fedora? I 
could use SRPMs if that helps, but someone would still have to explain 
how to install them.

-David Oftedal

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