[Uim] uim 0.2.2 released

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Tue Dec 30 21:30:35 EET 2003

 uim-0.2.2 is now available for download at:

md5sum: 9488999a4fad36547e27baed61270a9d  uim-0.2.2.tar.gz

0.2.1 cause some segmentation faults, so we recommend to use 0.2.2

Overview of Changes in uim 0.2.2

* gtk-im-uim
 - do key_snooper_remove when it's not need. (yusuke)

* uim-helper-server
 - fork() twice (yusuke)

* uim-skk
 - Fix cannot input numbers and signs in latin-conv mode. (tkng)

 * generic.scm
 - Commit pending preedit when commit-key pressed. (tkng)
  This will fix the problem cannot input 'hang', but I'm not confident this change.
  This change will affect uim-tcode, tutcode, hangul*, py, ipa, viqr.


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