[Uim] uim-py: Adding idioms to PY.scm

Yukiko Bando ybando at k6.dion.ne.jp
Sun Apr 4 14:51:13 EEST 2004


On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 22:49:17 +0900 (JST), <yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp>  

>> 1. If I add basic 2,000 idioms to PY.scm, does it cause any problem?
> I suppose probably it is OK.

I added  more than 17,000 multisyllabic words included in CEDICT  
(Chinese-English Dictionary) to my PY.scm.  It bloated the file (now  
825.3Kb) but looks like there's no problem.

If someone is interested in giving it a try, please download it from here:
The dictionary is copyrighted but README says "these files may be freely   
used  by  individuals,  and  may  be accessed  by software belonging to,  
or operated by, such individuals."  So I hope it's OK.
CEDICT website: http://www.mandarintools.com/cedict.html

Usage and warning:
- You need to insert "/" between syllables of multisyllabic words.  (eg.  
jin/tian)  It's easy for me to type on my Japanese keyboard but might be  
hard for others... I made a version without "/"s first, but I found that  
then I had to hit Enter almost every time before starting to type a next  
word.  For example, "woshi (I am)" is converted to "卧室 (bedroom)" if I  
don't after "wo(我)"...
- I changed all "u:" in CEDICT to "v" like in "nv".  Please correct me if  
I'm wrong.
- With 17,000 entiries, lots of common words seem to be still missing!   
"Chocolate" is not included...

After all, it's a makeshift until uim-z evolves into a powerful input  
method and a tool for my learning Chinese words.  ;-)

Thank you.


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