[Uim] Using VIM

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Tue Aug 3 09:14:04 EEST 2004

On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 13:43:14 +0900
Srot BULL <pwd8jmr22w at me.point.ne.jp> wrote:

> I always use the gui version of vim "gvim".  When I invoke gvim and
> use shift+space key uim does not function (forgive for the term, not
> technically oriented). This is quite the opposite with Mozilla
> Thunderbird, Firefox, AbiWord2, and Gnumeric2...using uim just works
> perfectly (I can encode japanese).

I could reproduce this trouble. It seems that gvim doesn't through the
key stroke 'shift+space' to uim. If we want to fix, we have to change
some code of gvim. Please bear with 'control+j'.

> When I use "env LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.eucJP gvim", uim seems to work but when
> I type something like this "池田" something like this appears in my
> vim strange capital A's with a ^ on top of it and characters like
> these __±烝 this is result of me coping from vim and pasting it here
> __________________±烝
> When I use "env LANG=ja_JP.eucJP gvim", gives me the same output but
> the menus of vim are all in garbled characters...

Please test with following condition once:

LC_ALL=ja_JP.eucJP gvim


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