[Uim] Re: Uim defaults to pinyin

Jacob Levine uim at jlevine.oiiiio.net
Sun Aug 29 10:17:57 EEST 2004

Hello list,
 I'm a Gentoo user seeking my solution to the same "defaults to pinyin"
problem mentioned at the start of this thread. I've also switched from
Galeon to Firefox, where I can no longer right-click to switch to anthy. 

I've followed the instructions suggested by gabor, and when I export
GTK_IM_MODULE=uim-anthy in a terminal and then run Firefox from there, I
get anthy instead of pinyin, which is what I want.

However, I've been unsuccessful in getting my X to start up with UIM
using anthy instead of pinyin. I've tried editing my
/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules so that now the last two lines read:

"uim-pinyin-big5" "uim-pinyin-big5 (CN)" "gtk+" "" "*"
"uim-anthy" "uim-anthy (*)" "gtk+" "" "ja"

but still no luck. Since I'm using GNOME (2.6) I've tried editing
various other files to export the right environment variable as well
(~/.gnomerc, ~/.gnome2/session-manual) but nothing seems to work. Any
further suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

-Jacob Levine

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