[Uim] traditional Chinese py input?

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Tue Jan 13 15:18:47 EET 2004


On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 21:11:05 -0700
Jon Babcock <jon at kanji.com> wrote:

> A few more details about trying to modify PY.scm to include
> traditional kanji:
> After adding 漢 to the beginning of line 111, the "han" line, in
> PY.scm in the UTF-8 encoded version that David Oftedal made available,
> the first five characters I get when entering "han" are: ______鍠烝烝烝
> ..., not 漢 ___ 喊 含 寒 as I would expect. So there is some kind of
> encoding confusion. What is the problem? What should I do?

If you changed the character encoding of the file, you must change the
argument of register-im. In this case, you should change the last line
of PY.scm. 

(generic-register-im 'py "zh_CN" "GB18030" py-init-handler)

(generic-register-im 'py "zh_CN" "UTF-8" py-init-handler)



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