[Uim] traditional Chinese py input?

Jon Babcock jon at kanji.com
Mon Jan 19 13:42:23 EET 2004

Tokunaga-san, thank you.

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki wrote:

> And, if you want to "add" your input method instead of "replace", you
>  should modify your loader.scm. Adding 1 line such 
> (require"pyunihan.scm")  is enough.

I am unable to test this under Gnome 2.4.1 because

when I add pyunihan.scm to the /usr/share/uim directory and add 
(require"pyunihan.scm") to the loader.scm file

gnome apps such as gnome-terminal, gedit, bluefish, and even 
mozilla-firebird and mozilla-thunderbird crash. These apps hesitate for 
seven or eight seconds and then crash. Apps that are not aware of UIM, 
such as Emacs or OpenOffice, do not crash.

When I use the original loader.scm (without "(require"pyunihan.scm")"), 
all UIM-aware apps work normally, as usual.

Maybe my file pyunihan.scm (size=197450 bytes) is too big for Gnome to 
handle? (It is more than twice as big as tutcode.scm.)

Regarding the really strange part:

>> 1. You still get 呵 as the first candidate of 'a'
>> 2. You get 錒 which defined only your new input method.

Yes. I get 呵 as the third candidate of 'a'.
Yes. I still get 錒 as a candidate even though 錒 is *not* included in 
the original PY.scm!

Maybe these glyphs are being cached somewhere.

So I have two problems now. a) When I add my pyunihan.scm to loader.scm, 
gnome apps will not run. b) There is seemingly illogical behavior 
regarding candidate availibility. (I need to flush that cache.)

I apologize for bringing up so many problems.

Thanks again.


Jon Babcock <jonatkanjidotcom>

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