[Uim] Uim-Anthy: Two minor issues in KDE applications

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Thu Mar 25 23:43:04 EET 2004


On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 06:54:52 +0900
"Yukiko Bando" <ybando at k6.dion.ne.jp> wrote:

> 1. With the over-the-spot input style, it seems impossible to edit  
> unconverted hiraganas.  For example, I meant to type "jouhou" but
> typed  "johou" by mistake.  I want to insert u but arrow keys don't
> work. (In  KWrite, they don't work with the on-the-spot style either.)

No, we can edit preedit strings at over the spot style. Caret is not
moving visually, but moving logically. Yes, I'm understanding what you
will say next, caret doesn't move visually is too big problem to use!
But to fix the problem is difficult a bit... And we cannot fix the
on-the-spot style's issue, because it's a bug of Qt.

> 2. Numbers and signs on the numeric pad are fixated on the spot.  If I
> type "yaku10" in KWrite, "10" in hankaku comes before "yaku" in
> hiragana.   And this "10" is not convertible.  If I use 1 and 0 on the
> main keyboard,  "10" is recognized as a segment and can be converted
> to zenkaku or kanji.

It's specification of uim-xim. But it's not good specification, so I
want to change it. Please wait 0.3.4 (or 0.3.5).

> Off topic: Can anyone tell me how to input Chinese periods using
> uim-py?

On/off is shift+space. Rest of operation is similar to uim-anthy, but
there is no concept of segment. Only one character could be input at

For example, If you want to input ___好, you should type as "niihao".



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