[Uim] uim-py: Adding idioms to PY.scm

Yukiko Bando ybando at k6.dion.ne.jp
Tue Mar 30 18:17:59 EEST 2004


I just started using uim-py to learn Chinese.  It'is very nice that I can  
type languages other than Japanese without changing my locale settings.   
With all due respect though, I don't think it's very efficient that one  
has to select characters one by one from a drop-down list.  So I tried  
adding idioms (zuotian, jintian, mingtian etc.) to PY.scm.  Surprisingly,  
it seems to work but I'd like ask couple of questions before adding more.

1. If I add basic 2,000 idioms to PY.scm, does it cause any problem?
2. I added idioms at the end of the list.  Should I sort it alphabetically?
3. Is there a special tool to edit scheme files easily?  I made a  
spreadsheet so I don't need to type brackets and double quotations again  
and again, but I can't use uim-py in the program (OOo Calc).  I have to  
type idioms in Gedit, copy&paste to the spreadsheet then to PY.scm...
4.  Is there a plan to implement a dictionary (something like Anthy) for  
uim-py in the near future?  I wonder if I should wait for that rather than  
edit PY.scm manually.  It'll be good for practice but time-consuming...

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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