[Uim] Testing the UIM input context plugin - Final hurdle

Kazuki Ohta mover at hct.zaq.ne.jp
Tue May 18 18:25:57 EEST 2004

Thank you for testing qt-immodule!

> There is a final problem, and I'm rather embarrassed to say it -
> I don't know how to turn it on! I was able to select the plugin from
> qtconfig (I selected uim-anthy, and after that uim-romaja), but I have
> absolutely no clue how to enable it in any program! I tried shift-space,
> which is what I'm used to on gnome, but I couldn't get it working.
> Perhaps I need a CVS version of uim? I think I'm using the absolutely
> newest one though. I hope someone can help me getting this thing running.
> :)
I made a fool mistake when I released quiminputcontextplugin ver0.1.4.
So, please download ver0.1.5 and retry....Excuse me...

download : 

build process
    $ qmake
    $ make
    $ ./install


Kazuki Ohta : mover at hct.zaq.ne.jp

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