[Uim] uim-0.4.6beta1 released

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Sun Feb 20 15:19:44 EET 2005

uim-0.4.6beta1 is released. You can download source tarball via:

  sha1sum: 53d3ee52b19058c5078a81c01a4c5e356e80e058  uim-0.4.6beta1.tar.gz


* This release includes *security fix*. If you are using 'immodule for 
Qt' enabled Qt, you should upgrade your uim to or 0.4.6beta1.

* This is beta release, not tested. We provide this release only for 
developers and testers.

* You can't use GTK_IM_MODULE=uim-xxxx. You should use GTK_IM_MODULE=uim
instead. Default input method is determined from current locale.
 If you want to specify default input method, use uim-pref-gtk or 
uim-pref-qt. (uim-pref-qt is exmerimental though.)

* You can't use XMODIFIERS=@im=uim-xxxx. You should use XMODIFIERS=@im=uim

* UimQt/uim-kdehelper is off by default. You should give --with-qt 
--with-qt-immodule for configure script explicitly if you want to use 

Changes between 0.4.6alpha1 to 0.4.6beta1

* uim-pref-gtk
 - Added subgrouping feature.

* uim-pref-qt
 - Added a missing header file.

* m17n-lib plugin
 - Fixed some cadidate related bugs.

* uim-fep
 - Added -S option. (GNU screen mode)

* uim-anthy
 - Fixed crash bug with F10 key with anthy 

* All
 - Fixed compilation on Solaris8.

* libuim
 - Check added before calling getenv and execlp.

* uim-skk
 - Don't read/save personal dictionary if uid and euid is different.

And many bug fixes.

Changes between 0.4.5 to 0.4.6alpha1

There're too many things to describe here. Following list is incomplete.

* uim-pref-gtk (new!)
 - Preference tool

* UimQt (merged from sub project)
 - You need to apply 'immodule for Qt' patch to use this.

* uim-kdehelper (merged from sub project)
 - uim-candwin-qt, uim-pref-qt, uim-toolbar-qt.

* uim-skk
 - Many features are added.

* libuim
 - Plugin system is introduced. This will reduce both of memory
 consumption and application start up time.

And many many many bug fixes! (and may a few enbugs...)

Bug report

If you noticed a bug in uim-0.4.6beta1, please tell us. You can post a 
bug to fd.o's Bugzilla or this mailing list.

(Sorry if I've forgotten your name)

 Matthew Reppert
 UTUMI Hirosi
 Mike Castle
 Denis Jacquerye
 Konosuke Watanabe
 Takumi ASAKI

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