[Uim] Re: What should be done until 0.4.6

Mike FABIAN mfabian at suse.de
Fri Jan 7 14:06:28 EET 2005

Etsushi Kato <ekato at ees.hokudai.ac.jp> さんは書きました:

> On Fri, Jan 07, 2005 at 12:39:10AM +0100,
> David Oftedal <david at start.no> wrote:
>> Sorry, but could someone give me the details of how to start uim-xim again?
>> LC_ALL=foo_BAR.utf8 LANG=foo_BAR.utf8 uim-xim &
>> ?
> You mean restarting working uim-xim?  If so, just kill the process and
> excute uim-xim.  Note that you don't need to specify LC_ALL and LANG
> since the behavior of uim-xim depend on clients' locale, not uim-xim's
> working locale.

But uim-xim crashes for me in some locales, for example:

mfabian at magellan:~$ LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 uim-xim
UIM-XIM bridge. Now supporting multiple locales.
Using full-synchronous XIM event flow
Supported conversion engines:
  py (zh_CN)
  pyunihan (zh_CN)
  pinyin-big5 (zh_TW:zh_HK)
  anthy (ja)
  canna (ja)
  prime (ja)
  skk (ja)
  tcode (ja)
  tutcode (ja)
  hangul2 (ko)
  hangul3 (ko)
  romaja (ko)
  viqr (vi)
  ipa ()
  latin ()
  direct ()
セグメンテーション違反です (core dumped)
mfabian at magellan:~$ rpm -q uim
mfabian at magellan:~$ 

Mike FABIAN   <mfabian at suse.de>   http://www.suse.de/~mfabian

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