[Uim] lazy-loading

Etsushi Kato ekato at ees.hokudai.ac.jp
Tue Jan 18 06:04:26 EET 2005

On 2005/01/18, at 12:37, YamaKen wrote:

> I've found what is broken and fixed it. Try r315.
> The problem had come from introduction of custom-rt.scm. Lazy
> loading affects nothing.

Thanks.  This fixes the problem.

Then, one more question about lazy loading.  I've setup my own 
ja-rk-rule in ~/.uim.  Now it seems (require "japanese.scm") is needed 
before defining it in ~/.uim.  Is it right solution?

Finally, I have another question about custom.  It seems customized 
setting using uim-pref is not reflected on the fly on working process 
which use libuim.  So I have to restart these applications including 
uim-xim.  Is it your intention?

Etsushi Kato
ekato at ees.hokudai.ac.jp

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