[Uim] announcement of SigScheme

Kazuki Ohta mover at hct.zaq.ne.jp
Fri Jul 8 19:45:08 EEST 2005

Hi, All.

I'm now developing R5RS compatible Scheme Interpreter,
named SigScheme. It's intended to replace Siod, which is
currently used by uim. Siod has some deficiencies like
memory consumption, old specification(R4RS).

If SigScheme is accepted as uim's default interpreter, uim
gets more faster, and memory efficient. Finally, I planed to
make uim work on the embedded environment.

The current situation is that the core part already works,
but some features required by R5RS such as continuation,
macro are still missing. If you'are interested in this, please
download and test it.

URL :  http://mover.cool.ne.jp/others/sigscheme/sigscheme-2005-07-09.tar.gz

hope you enjoy:-)

Kazuki Ohta : mover at hct.zaq.ne.jp

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