[Uim] Leader of uim project should be changed

Takuro Ashie ashie at homa.ne.jp
Sun Sep 25 21:12:13 PDT 2005

Hi all.

At first, I suggest to switch maintainer of uim project from tkng-san
to YamaKen-san.

I think tkng-san isn't suitable person for the leader of uim project
anymore at this time. Because it seems that tkng-san doesn't grasp
whole of uim project too much, and tkng-san's estimate is too wrong in
many cases. As a result tkng-san confuse other people, and some times
tkng-san makes other deveploper's motivation lose.

I believe that tkng-san will become a good developer and a good leader
in the future, but still lacks experience at this time.

tkng-san should concentrate to become a great developer for several


Takuro Ashie <ashie at homa.ne.jp>

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