[Uim] uim 1.3.0-alpha released

YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
Tue Dec 5 10:51:32 EET 2006

Hi Etsushi,

I've noticed that you've added these new keysyms to 1.3.0. But
I'm not confident about their necessity and properness of the
input model. Do you really need these keys at now? If not, I
prefer keeping them unsupported for now.

--- uim/uim-key.c       (revision 4062)
+++ uim/uim-key.c       (revision 4064)
@@ -262,6 +262,10 @@
   {UKey_Meta_key, "Meta_key"},
   {UKey_Super_key, "Super_key"},
   {UKey_Hyper_key, "Hyper_key"},
+  {UKey_Caps_Lock, "caps-lock"},
+  {UKey_Num_Lock, "num-lock"},
+  {UKey_Scroll_Lock, "scroll-lock"},
   /*  {UKey_Other, "other"},*/
   {0, 0}

These 'lock' keys involves the 'locked' state information, and
especially the Caps_Lock's one is normally managed by client
side. And as far as I know, it should be handled with Caps_Lock
MODIFIER information in addition to its own press/release
information, to make sense by application (uim) side.

But since I'm not confident about whether adding the modifiers
to enum UKeyModifier is sufficient to model inputs involving the
keys, I think that it requires a careful investigations,
considerations and discussions.

Although Kana_Lock is also a lock key, but I think that it's OK
since entire Kana keyboard support is still experimental.

YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen  yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
FAMILY   Given / Nick

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