[Uim] uim-fep trouble on slackware

Etsushi Kato ek.kato at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 12:05:34 EEST 2006

On 10/12/06, はとちゃん <hatori at hatochan.dyndns.org> wrote:
> But uim-fep doesn't work on console.
> It doesn't turn from direct input mode multilingual input
> mode by contrl plus j or any keys.
> Its slackware 11.0 situation is the following:
> - jfbterm 0.4.7 with patch
> - It set LANG and LC_ALL to ja_JP.UTF-8 or ja_JP.utf8
> - It set TERM to linux

First, please examine the problem is really specific on jfbterm.
Trying to use uim-fep on terminal software on X11 may help.


  $ export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
  $ GTK_IM_MODULE=gtk-im-context-simple gnome-terminal &
  $ uim-fep  # on gnome-terminal

If it works, then the problem is something on jfbterm.

If it doesn't work, please check whether its on/off key is assigned
correctly using uim-pref-gtk.  (Assume you use uim-anthy, check "Anthy
key binding 2").

As described in the release note about 1.2.0
(http://anonsvn.freedesktop.org/svn/uim/tags/1.2.0/RELNOTE), C-j is
not used as a default on/off key binding in uim-anthy.  Also you
should be aware that shift-space combination is not available on
console (See README.ja and README.key on uim-fep,

Etsushi Kato
ek.kato at gmail.com

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