[Uim] [Docs] UIM-XIM slowness

Etsushi Kato ek.kato at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 09:07:14 EET 2007


On 12/29/06, Martin Swift <martin at swift.is> wrote:
> I tried uim-xim when I ran into my GTK+ problems. It slowed some
> things down a lot. Starting terminals took a few seconds while
> normally it is instantaneous. Starting a terminal with uim-fep (e.g.
> 'urxvt -e uim-fep', using rxvt-unicode) is much faster, though a
> little slower than without.
> Two questions for the docs:
> Is the XIM slowness an inherent problem with the bridge?

XIM is a legacy protocol and actually slow in the performance.  But
taking a few seconds seems storange.  I often uses uim-xim on mlterm
and it starts immediately after the command.  I think XIM code in
rxvt-unicode has some perfomance loss.

> Should we officially recommend uim-fep for terminals?

I think there is no official recommendation.  IMHO uim-fep is useful
in combination with GNU screen.  But it lacks some key handling
ability (like shift-space, see README.key in fep) and doesn't have
X11's compose input.  So uim-xim is fine for traditional terminal
applications such as xterm.  Another choice is using terminal
application which uses IM module of GTK+ or Qt like gnome-terminal.

Etsushi Kato
ek.kato at gmail.com

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