[Uim] new input method 'look'

Iwata iwata at quasiquote.org
Thu Mar 15 13:20:47 EET 2007

"Etsushi Kato" <ek.kato at gmail.com> writes:

> Word completion with learning dictionary works fine.  It seems to be a
> really interesting input method :)

Thank you.

> Since I use --disable-compat-siod-bugs option with current trunk, I
> need to modify some code to avoid problems with car to '() and so on.
> Could you please try using uim with --disable-compat-siod-bugs?  We
> are planning to not to use the SIOD compatibility mode for the future
> version of uim.

I've not tested with --disable-compat-siod-bugs.
I put a new patch for look.scm with --disable-compat-siod-bugs,


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