New standard proposal

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Fri Sep 26 11:25:16 EEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 02:19, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> Hi people, I'm working on a system wide Volume Manager (something like
> autorun and magicdev) and I want it as a shared technology between
> GNOME/KDE/Other desktops.
> Here you have the initial draft:
> There you will see some initial things I have in my mind but they are
> not definitive. I want something that all us could share so I need your
> ideas/suggestions to improve it.
> I will use D-BUS as the IPC between the server and the clients
> (Nautilus, Konqueror, etc...)

Some random comments:

/Volumes is totally non-standard and untypical of unix. Lots of people
will not like it. (Not saying I dislike it, personally I don't care,
because i don't expect to expose the mountpoint in the UI.)

Mounting things as the volume name seems quite bad to me. That means its
hard to figure out what device is actually used for the volume, and if a
user inserts an unknown disc it could be hard to figure out where it
appears. (Again, i don't expect to show the mountpoint names as-is in
the UI.)

When someone wants to unmount I think we should send out a pre-unmount
message so that people having e.g. fam monitors on the volume can
release them, since they would otherwise block the unmount/eject.

Also, I agree with havoc that this should probably be done in the the
context of the HAL.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl at    alla at 
He's a world-famous small-town vampire hunter on the run. She's an artistic 
foul-mouthed barmaid with an evil twin sister. They fight crime! 

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