UniConf auto: configuration

Avery Pennarun apenwarr at nit.ca
Thu Aug 5 07:29:53 EEST 2004

For those following the exciting saga, today I implemented the auto: moniker
for UniConf.  This makes it so that individual applications can just connect
"to UniConf", whatever that is, and have it store their configuration
somewhere appropriate.

To use it, you use the moniker auto:my/app/name.  For example,
Galeon would just use the hardcoded string "auto:org/gnome/apps/galeon".

The configuration configuration (metaconfiguration?) comes from
/etc/uniconf.conf.  Here's a sample:

	org/gnome = gconf:
	org/gnome/apps/myapp = ini:/tmp/myapp.ini
	org/kde/apps/* = ini:$HOME/.kde/share/apps/*1
	/ = ini:/tmp/everything-else.ini

This way, any app starting with org/gnome attaches to gconf and then goes
into that gconf subtree; for example org/gnome/apps/galeon goes into
apps/galeon in gconf (which happens to be where galeon already stores its
configuration!).  ...except for 'myapp', which has its own ini file.

KDE programs have their configuration stored in .ini files in their usual

Everything else stores its configuration in /tmp/everything-else.ini, in a
subtree formed from the application name.

Of course, having special options for different types of app might be a
special case.  Here's a probably-more-common example:

	/ = list: ini:/etc/everything.ini cache:tcp:myserver.nit.ca

This would load and store configuration for all apps in /etc/everything.ini,
but retrieve settings from the uniconf server on myserver.nit.ca if there
are no local overrides.

This is all preliminary, in UniConf CVS.  Let me know if this sounds right
to you, and if there are any other features people would like to see.

Have fun,


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