Extending the Desktop Entry spec for static app actions

David Faure faure at kde.org
Mon Dec 19 07:40:05 PST 2011

On Sunday 18 December 2011 22:57:08 Giovanni Campagna wrote:
>  X-KDE-Library=libfooview
>  X-KDE-FactoryName=fooviewfactory
> X-KDE-ServiceType=FooService

I think this part should be removed.
It's KDE specific (obviously) and is unrelated to the application definition 
(plugins should be defined separately).

I can probably do that in a separate commit if you want, though.

Other than that, the proposal seems fine to me.

To answer the question about dynamic menu items: we had a dbus-based solution 
at some point, but it was rather slow and overkill. We now have a plugin-based 
system instead, but that's nothing that can be standardized cross-desktop, 

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. KDE Frameworks 5

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