kdrive vs. Xserver vs. future

Christian Parpart trapni at gentoo.org
Fri Dec 3 00:52:25 PST 2004

Hi all,

well, this is an issue I'm having for a looong time now;

I know, that there is / has been an X server called kdrive 
with very less resource usage, for targeted for handhelds or 
so; now, there's also a project named Xserver that is deemed 
to use the kdrive technology. 

However, lots of ppl still say: this is kdrive, others say, 
this is Xserver using kdrive technology.

So, All I know, is, that kdrive is just a subdir of Xserver, and
that all ppl say, xserver is the next generation of X. But others 
also say: this is just the playground for new technologies, a sandbox.

So, what about Xservers future?

Christian Parpart.

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