Xgl server

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Mon Dec 6 06:29:44 PST 2004

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 19:37:54 +0100, Matthias Hopf wrote:
> I'm always thinking of wide lines, which are exactly specified in X, but
> not in OpenGL. Until we have a change in semantics (that is, we make
> X12) this type of primitve will always have to be renered in software
> :-(

Yes, X11 wide lines will always be rendered in software.

Fortunately, there is no interesting software that uses these lines,
(and the wide arcs even less so). The reason for that is that the
pixel-precise specification happens to specify ugly results.

Going forward, the semantics of the trapezoids in the Render extension
are much more interesting. That specification allows for both a precise
and an imprecise mode for rendering the trapezoids, so hardware
acceleration should be quite appropriate.


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