Xgl server

Adam Jackson ajax at nwnk.net
Fri Nov 5 21:12:25 PST 2004

On Friday 05 November 2004 21:00, Owen Taylor wrote:
> One other question that comes to mind: presumably, accelerated indirect
> rendering is still at least a minor goal. Is implementing that on top of
> EGL going to be feasible, or would you need something that mapped to GLX
> in a literal one-to-one sense, but didn't use the Xlib types?

It's a pretty major goal for me, I've been working on cleaning and formalizing 
the DRI driver to libGL interface for a week or three now.  The DRI drivers 
(with one or two exceptions) are already largely Xlib-independent, thanks to 
Jon and Ian.  The server is still going to need to know how to marshall GLX 
between the wire and the driver, so the libglx component in the server is 
still valuable.  At this point all that's really left is finishing unifying 
the drivers and libGL between X and Solo, and tweaking libglx to talk to DRI 
drivers instead of libGLcore.

Hopefully I'll get a few more free days in the near future to get this 
hammered out.

- ajax
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