Is this a known bug in XFixesInvertRegaion

Derek Wang Derek.Wang at Sun.COM
Wed Oct 6 16:44:16 PDT 2004

Hi Keith,

The rect defined in XFixesInvertRegion never be used (see the following code) 
and it may cause server do nothing when users invoke XFixesInvertRegion. Is this 
a known bug ?

XFixesInvertRegion (Display *dpy, XserverRegion dst,
                     XRectangle *rect, XserverRegion src)
     XFixesExtDisplayInfo        *info = XFixesFindDisplay (dpy);
     xXFixesInvertRegionReq      *req;

     XFixesSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info);
     LockDisplay (dpy);
     GetReq (XFixesInvertRegion, req);
     req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
     req->xfixesReqType = X_XFixesInvertRegion;
     req->source = src;
     req->destination = dst;
     UnlockDisplay (dpy);


  derek Wang                             Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  17 NETWORK CIRCLE, MS MPK17-202        Phone: 650-786-0851 Direct
  MENLO PARK, CA 94025                   E-mail: at

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