kernel 2.6.9-rc2-mm2 vs glxgears

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Fri Sep 24 05:55:03 PDT 2004

On Friday 24 September 2004 00:36, Dave Airlie wrote:
>AGP 8x vs 4x is off little realworld value, with gears you will see
>absolutely no difference so it probably isn't that...

I didn't figure it would have an effect, mainly because theres a 
1/10th x smaller piece of pipe someplace else...

>you can easily  
>get 8x, set your Xorg.conf file to have agpmode 2 instead of 4 .. I
>think it works for me ...

Its not specified at all in that file Dave.  What section would that 
be added to, in the video card section?  Or the supported protocols 
list?  Its not mentioned in the xorg.conf manpages either.  Humm, what 
the command to have X install new manpages?  I may not have done that 
for the 6.8.1 install.  I did for the 6.8 but that apparently put in 
stuff that all references 6.7...  I read the Makefile, its, and it still doesn't "grep -R agpmode *" in the doc dir 
of the X build.

>I asked you on lk but you never answered or I didn't see it, but
> what does do? Linus clean kernel no -mm patches.. also
> 2.6.9-rc2... I've barely enough time to track Linus, Andrews
> kernels are way to experiemental for doing work on ...

I've found that, generally speaking, the mm patches after mm1 are 
generally fairly stable because the first couple of mm's seem to fix 
the 'hey this don't work anymore' bugs in the main release.  Plus if 
I'm looking for a specific fix, it seems to get ito the mm's before 
anyplace else.

As for IIRC glxgears ran at around 240 fps.  I'll try the in the morning again just to check, amanda is running right 
now and she really, really, hates to be disturbed. :)

Ok, morning, but I found I didn't have a to test with, as 
close as I could get was, (the fedora core 
panics at pivot-root time, another of the many reasons I have an 
exclude kernel* line in my yum.conf) and it ran like this on the boot:

[root at coyote bin]# glxgears
1156 frames in 5.0 seconds = 231.200 FPS
1120 frames in 5.0 seconds = 224.000 FPS
1260 frames in 5.0 seconds = 252.000 FPS
1120 frames in 5.0 seconds = 224.000 FPS
1120 frames in 5.0 seconds = 224.000 FPS
1260 frames in 5.0 seconds = 252.000 FPS
1120 frames in 5.0 seconds = 224.000 FPS
1260 frames in 5.0 seconds = 252.000 FPS
1120 frames in 5.0 seconds = 224.000 FPS
1121 frames in 5.0 seconds = 224.200 FPS
1287 frames in 5.0 seconds = 257.400 FPS

and used all the cpu doing it just like rc2-mm2 does.  So thats the 
bext compare I can make here without dl'ing and building it 

One of the kernel janitors put up a patch, almost a 1 liner last night 
that fixed things here, taking me from 10 fps back to the above 
perfomance, search for radeon, and MS_TO_HZ removal in favor of 
another method of doing the jiffies.  John Smirl says thats portable 
backlight control code that shouldn't effect me on my crt display, 
but it sure fixed me right up anyway.

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2004 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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