Disable xterm and XRX builds per default / [Fwd: CVS Update: xc (branch: trunk)]

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Mon Jan 24 10:03:36 PST 2005

On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 04:57:31AM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> Now, if the user compiles their own stuff, that's great, but I strongly dislike
> the ability to do it under the guise of packaging, which screws up the entire
> mechanism for users and developers alike.  I believe that if you're compiling
> and installing stuff, do just that.  Just don't pretend you're a distribution
> packager.

As a further insult, these sorts of things tend to drift quite badly; case in
point, the LinuxDebian section of linux.cf.  So you're building stuff that
masquerades as something it's not, severely impedes upgradeability, and is
probably out of date to what the distributors are actually doing.  I strongly
believe this is a total disservice to the user.  Shooting for predictable build
behaviour across all architectures, OTOH, is a very noble goal, and one that I
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