Triple monitor AGP+PCI, mergedfb and xvideo

Aefron aefron_ml at
Tue Oct 3 08:58:56 PDT 2006

Alex Deucher a écrit :
> On 10/3/06, Aefron <aefron_ml at> wrote:
> Xv actually works fine with xinerama.
> I suspect what is happening is that mplayer is querying screen0 for
> dimensions and such regardless of what screen you ask it to run on.
> Do other video player also have problems?
I haven't really been able to make xv work with xinerama and mPlayer...
it load but mPlayer tells it doesn't manage to xv on the PCI... but even
if you're right, I still haven't been able to have double buffer
extension in xinerama which makes conky horribly flicker... log files
tell it loads... but it doesn't work at all that way...

For the other players, I have only tried with VLC which crashes as soon
as I tell it to play (xv or not) on display :0.1 (namely the monitor
attached to the PCI card).

I understand what you are talking about concerning mPlayer querying
screen0 for dimensions, but it seems strange to me : indeed, if I
deactivate MergedFB or put it in clone-mode, by opposition to the
RightOf mode I would like to function, (even keeping a virtual size of
2880 1024, relative to my dual-head mergedfb 1600x1200-1280x1024) on the
AGP card, the fullscreen overlayed video is playing totally well (no
overzoom nor truncation)... so that may be MergeFB interfering with the
PCI overlay... that is what made me post to this mailing list instead of
contacting mPlayer developpers first...

But I follow your advice of testing with another player and am
installing Xine (Gentoo... will take a few minutes...)... Though I do
not not of any other videoplayers than mPlayer, VLC and xine (and their
derivates)... Do you have any idea of others?


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