impossible to remap keys on japanese keyboard

Daniel Stone daniel at
Sun Oct 22 13:53:46 PDT 2006

On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 11:15:15PM +0300, Troy wrote:
> When mapping keys to modifiers, you should alter the
> modifier map instead.
> To get the modifier map, use:
> xmodmap -pm
> To add the Hiragana_Katakana key, use:
> xmodmap -e 'add Shift = Hiragana_Katakana' 
> Will should add Hiragana_Katakana to the shift modifiers.
> I did notice that this doesn't work, although it seems
> that it should.... 
> I then tested with another key, Henkan.
> xmodmap -e 'add Shift = Henkan' 
> This works.
> If you look at the xev output, you will see that the 
> state is changed after pressing and releasing the
> newly mapped "keycode 208 Hiragana_katakana/Romaji" key,
> as it is for Henkan as well. I.e. the state is 0x1 in
> the key released output (indicating state when the key was 
> still down).
> I unfortunately just upgraded by only Ubuntu 5.10 to Ubuntu 6.06,
> so I couldn't test with 5.10. 
> In conclusion, I thought I knew how this works, but I am now
> baffled as well. Sorry. I will foreward this question to the
> xkb list, which is a better forum.

Probably not a great forum for xmodmap-related questions ... you're
probably better off altering the XKB map to change the key to shift.  I
believe Hiragana_Katanana triggers special cases in input methods.

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