News ATI drivers

Daniel Kasak dan at
Mon Sep 10 15:45:28 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 10:29 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:

> The convenience of booking a journey, the speed of travel and
> the frequency of services have, to most independent observers,
> declined
> greatly (except on the biggest direct services - the ones that
> actually
> make money - like Manchester to London). Prices, of course, have
> increased. Each of these private companies receives a substantial
> government subsidy, and most of them operate at a nice profit.

That's what privitisation is all about, and unfortunately is exactly
what's being announced here in NSW, Australia, for our energy industry
today ( from a Labor government, no less ). What we're trying to get
people to realise is:

- what's profitable is not necessarily good for society
- what's good for society is not necessarily profitable

But it's an uphill battle, especially, as noted, while Labor are pushing
neo-conservative 'reforms' as hard as the neo-conservatives are.


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