Issues with Touchpad and X shutdown

none dark_mail at
Sat Sep 29 16:28:11 PDT 2007

Because of another problem I upgraded my X11 to 7.3, but encountered 
several other problems along the way.

I hope someone can help me sort this out:

1. Since the upgrade, the synaptics driver leaves my touchpad dead, it 
doesn't react in any way. Without the driver, the touchpad works, but 
without a scroll bar on the right side, which had worked with Xorg 7.2.

2. When I end Xorg, e.g. to reboot or change the runlevel, the 
background image of the desktop remains on the screen, with some 
distortion at the lower border. But the Laptop shuts down fine, so the 
system is not crashing (like in the other thread which lead to this,

Samsung X20 laptop
intel 915 graphics
gentoo Linux
kernel 2.6.22

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