[ANNOUNCE] xorg-server

Arkadiusz Miskiewicz arekm at maven.pl
Wed Dec 10 11:50:41 PST 2008

On Wednesday 10 of December 2008, Sergio Monteiro Basto wrote:
> Hi , In point of view of packing (rpms), what is need to get DRI2
> working on drv-intel ?

Unreleased mesa for sure.

> what packages are require to upgrade to use xorg-server 1.5.99 ?

less configure.ac and you will see (around REQUIRED_MODULES line)

Note that randrproto is another needed (for but unreleased package 
(configure.ac is buggy in that area).

> And about drm gem kernel, is it require ? is it possible use stable
> vanilla kernels, with updated drm gem kernel ?  

Probabl required. Not sure, not using intel card (yet).

Arkadiusz Miƛkiewicz        PLD/Linux Team
arekm / maven.pl            http://ftp.pld-linux.org/

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