Looking for registers reference for Oak OTI64111 (Spitfire)

Alex Villací­s Lasso a_villacis at palosanto.com
Tue Oct 7 17:28:13 PDT 2008

Recently I dug up a very old graphics card, an Oak Spitfire OTI-64111 by 
Oak Technologies. After looking up information for it in Google, I found 
that there is no specific driver for xorg (although there are plenty of 
mirrors for windows drivers). I want to familiarize myself with graphics 
driver programming, and I thought that writing the xorg driver for Oak 
64111 would be a good way to get some practice with xorg driver 
development. However, I have had a hard time digging up register 
references for this particular video card. Does anybody here know of any 
documentation about the Oak 64111 (register references and such) that 
could be useful to write a driver for this card?

perl -e '$x=2.4;print sprintf("%.0f + %.0f = %.0f\n",$x,$x,$x+$x);'

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