Radeon + LCD problems

Simon Thum simon.thum at gmx.de
Tue Oct 21 04:24:25 PDT 2008


I'm running git master in a fairly common setup and I've got a strange

>From time to time (xorg instance dependent), some app activity makes the
screen blank for ~1 sec. In particular, selecting text, scrolling and
switching tabs in firefox/thunderbird causes it at say 5% of times.

At ~30%, the screen tumbles a bit (only vertical, but still distracting).

After restarting xorg it's usually gone completely.

That points to sync problems, so my question: is there any kind of
diagnosis I can perform? I've got a rv280 with radeon driver and a DVI-D
LCD. I update from time to time and the problem persists since ca~ 2-3
months. A log from a dysfunctional Xorg start is attached, which looks
fine to me.

Thanks in advance,

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