3D slowness after suspend/resume cycle

Kalman KHIRALY khiraly123 at gmx.net
Tue Feb 24 05:54:49 PST 2009

Dear list,

I have a laptop (Toshiba L300-19J) with an intel 4500MHD video card.
I use ubuntu 9.04-alpha5 but upgraded the kernel from 2.6.28 to 2.6.29-rc5.
With this update I have at least double 3D performance, compiz works
without glitch,
and Enemy Terrority I have double fps (from 9-14fps (2.6.28) to
19-30fps (2.6.29)).

My problem, that after a suspend/resume cycle the 3D slow down, and compiz
works as in 2.6.28 kernel (it "stops" when switching workspace or
using the Expose effect)

I suspended with the following command: echo -n mem>/sys/power/state

My intel driver version is: 2:2.6.1-1ubuntu1

My logs after a suspend:
The /var/log/Xorg.log:   http://pastebin.com/f4140cc09
The dmesg output:       http://pastebin.com/f5b30ac6b
The /proc/cpuinfo:         http://pastebin.com/f6822b085
The lspci -vvvnnnxxx output: http://pastebin.com/f7eb8bd83
The /var/log/kern.log output: http://khiraly.googlepages.com/kern.log.gz
The dpkg -l output: http://pastebin.com/f5497dfd4
The uname -a :
Linux lamagep 2.6.29-020629rc5-generic #020629rc5 SMP Sun Feb 15
18:53:03 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

Do you have any idea what can it cause?

Best regards,

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