Xrandr and external monitor

H agents at meddatainc.com
Fri Jan 3 00:49:52 UTC 2025

On January 2, 2025 2:48:08 PM EST, H <agents at meddatainc.com> wrote:
>On January 2, 2025 11:58:06 AM EST, Alan Coopersmith
><alan.coopersmith at oracle.com> wrote:
>>On 1/1/25 12:27, H wrote:
>>> I just discovered running xrandr --listmonitors that, while the
>>internal laptop monitor is labeled eDP-1, xrandr identifies the
>>external monitor as using DP-1 although it uses the laptop
>>HDMI-connector. Further, while mate hardware display monitor also
>>identifies it as using DP-1 - possibly based on xrandr output - the
>>monitor itself tells me it is connected using its HDMI1 connector.
>>xrandr does report the correct display resolution, though.
>>> Thus, it looks like xrandr misreads the configuration feeding it to
>>The xrandr program and GUIs like the mate monitor configuration use
>>libXrandr to
>>get the configuration information - all it does is ask the Xserver for
>>information provided by the video driver.  If these programs are
>>showing the
>>wrong config it's because the Xorg video driver module has provided
>>them with
>>the wrong information.  (You don't say what Xorg video driver you're
>>- modesetting or something more specific to the hardware - the
>>should list that and may list the output config detected by it.)
>So the problem could lie with x or with the video driver, the latter
>reporting to X? According to X.org.log I am running X Server 1.20.11.
>One of my concerns is why X reports that DP-1 connection is used with
>the external monitor whereas it in reality uses HDMI without any
>adapters. That suggests something is reported incorrectly which could
>conceivably lead to some other problem.
>I am attaching X.org.log which to me seems to suggest that it is using
>the noveau driver. Note that I just tried to disconnect/reconnect the
>external monitor but could not find any log of that connection towards
>the end of the log.

Forgot to attach the file but doing it now.
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