XServer freezes when opening many windows

Raúl HERMOSO SÁNCHEZ r.hermoso at gesab.com
Thu Jan 16 11:15:10 UTC 2025


   I am writing to query about a problem I have encountered with XServer. It freezes when opening any window after "many" others are already opened. We believe it is the XServer freezing as any command-line tool that uses X that we try to execute (xwininfo, xdotool, xls_client...) never paints or returns. We understand there are some limits on resources, client windows, memory... that can be handled by the server, but we are unable to identify which one we are reaching.
   We have set the maximum number of windows to 512, but we do not reach that many number of windows before the server freezes.  To be more precise, the server freezes when we try to open 40+ "client" windows (which means probably around three more actual Window created: toolbars, borders, auxiliary windows for clipboard....).

   My question really is if there is a way (via X11 API preferably) to query the server that can tell us if it is close to reaching any of the limits it may have, so that we can know in advance previous to it freezing. It may be of interest for this issue to know that we are using an in-house Window Manager developed by ourselves).

   Thank you for your time. Any help/hints will be appreciated.

Raúl Hermoso Sánchez

Desarrollador Software

r.hermoso at gesab.com

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