looking for help on multimonitor setup

H agents at meddatainc.com
Wed Mar 12 04:03:27 UTC 2025

On March 11, 2025 11:18:03 PM EDT, Django Reinhard <django013 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Does anyone have experience with an external display running at a
>> resolution than the laptop display itself?
>Not with a laptop, but my second pc has 2 monitors connected with
>resolution. KDE does recognize them correctly and I can position them
>by drag
>and drop in the screen settings. No problem so far.
>My problem was/is, that I'm looking for a desktop that spans multiple
>monitors, which apparently does not exists for the reason of different

I understand your issue but did not know if a laptop was involved. I am hoping to find someone with a laptop with a UHD display and an external monitor running at a /lower/ resolution.

I need to be able to establish where the problem lies, with: (1) Mate; (2) X; or (3) the video driver...

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