pbuffers, extensions to DRM

Eric Anholt eta@lclark.edu
Sat, 06 Dec 2003 13:52:11 -0800

On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 09:36, Jon Smirl wrote:

> DRM also needs a couple of minor extensions. I've asked Eric to add these but I
> haven't heard back yet.

Sorry, been busy working on various kdrive things.  Not sure if I'll get
to it in the next week.

> The driver also needs to do pci_enable_deivce and pci_disable_device. The
> version in the kernel tree does this but the one in DRI doesn't. Linus must have
> added it.

Do you have the patch laying around?

> It's also not clear to me the X needs to know the IRQ number. Why doesn't the
> DRM module just send a signal on retrace?

It doesn't need to know the IRQ number.  Set interface version 1.2, and
the irq number argument to the control ioctl gets ignored.  (Otherwise,
it just checks if the passed-in irq number matches the actual device's,
and bails if not).  Also, irq_by_busid no longer returns irqs for
devices other than the one the DRM is attached to.  That interface could
be garbage-collected at some point in the future.  I'm not sure if the
userland parts to use the newer interface made it into XFree86 for the
upcoming release, though, so I don't think we could remove it for quite
a while.

Michel wrote code for sending signals on vblank, but I'm not sure if
anything uses it yet.  It's not implemented on FreeBSD.

Eric Anholt                                eta@lclark.edu          
http://people.freebsd.org/~anholt/         anholt@FreeBSD.org