2D antialiased graphics using OpenGL

Keith Packard keithp@keithp.com
Fri, 12 Dec 2003 08:47:36 -0800

Around 11 o'clock on Dec 12, "Martijn Sipkema" wrote:

> Another solution would be the ability to have different visuals with or
> without gamma correction. It seems some SUN workstations have this
> feature, but I doubt any consumer hardware supports this; they only
> seem to support one visual really.

Yeah, the problem is that cheap PC hardware has only a single LUT so only 
one kind of window would look "right" at a time.  Of course, in the land 
of a composited desktop, we can actually make this look right as the 
compositing manager could rewrite pixel values on the way to the screen to 
map through the colormap.

> I'm going to do some testing to see if using a gamma corrected framebuffer
> is really that bad.

Did you manage to find a copy of Dirty Pixels to look at?  I'm sure it 
would explain things better than I can.  Of course, doing the experiment 
is easy enough; use xgamma with an XFree86 server.
