Xvesa on FC2 and xcompmgr

P.I.Julius julius at solutions-i.org
Thu Apr 8 06:16:58 PDT 2004

> > xcompmgr.c:40:39: X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h No such file or directory
> > xcompmgr.c:41:36: X11/extensions/Xdamage.h No such file or directory
> > 
> > but i can find this files in the /opt/fdo/include/X11/extensions
> > directory. What i do wrong?
> Do you have /opt/fdo/lib/pkgconfig in your PKG_CONFIG_PATH?  If that doesn't
> work, could you please send the output from before the errors.
>         Gabriel.

This bug has been fixed by Matt Jones, he has provided a diff for the
Makefile.am at Wed, 31 Mar 2004 12:01:31 and now everything works fine,
see this for more:


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