Composite and damage status

Egbert Eich eich at
Wed May 12 01:47:38 PDT 2004

Keith Packard writes:
 > Around 8 o'clock on May 11, Mathieu Lacage wrote:
 > > Maybe it would make sense to put a pointer from the xerver wiki to the
 > > real mailing list if there is one or to try to use one exclusively if
 > > all these discussions take place privately.
 > I think one issue is that we really haven't figured out where technical 
 > discussions are supposed to happen; we've got too many mailing lists 
 > that lack focus, along with innumerable IRC channels, and for a while 
 > during the 6.7 release we were having way too many telephone conferences 
 > (which always exclude a lot of people, even if the are "public").

I've tried to give an overview over the mailing lists and attach
a purpose to each one. The number of X related mailing lists which 
have a general technical scope is not that high (4-5).
However I have no clue about the IRC channels and I'm waiting for a
kind person to come around and shed some light in the present IRC
structure both for the general public and for me. 
For my part the IRC situation is way more confusing than the mailing
list situation and the lack of postings on the mailing lists indicate
to me that the importand (and less importand) discussions all take
place on IRC - which is kind of bad as there is not publically accessable
archive of the IRC.

 > Perhaps we could figure out what resources we have, what resources we need 
 > and how to get people talking in the right places.

The mailing list structure is not all that bad. I would think that
in the future some of the commit mailing lists can be merged together
once all projects are hosted in a single repository.

I would think we need one general purpose developers list.
xorg@ can serve as such. Keeping the server and library related
lists around makes sense to me, also, this issue can be reconsidered
after the merge to a single repository, but there it may even make
more sense.
xcb@ as a special purpose mailing list makes sense, too since there
is acive development going on. The same is true with xevie at .
Ultimately this should be decided by the traffic on these lists
and how much the topics discussed there may affect people watching
on xorg at .


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