Composite and damage status

Eric Anholt eta at
Thu May 13 11:35:48 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 04:30, Mathieu Lacage wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 05:30, Keith Packard wrote:
> > I think it's obvious that we should limit the number of lists until we 
> > demonstrate that more are needed.  Keeping all discussion in this list 
> > should make sure that everyone knows what's going on.
> > 
> > Merging 'xserver@' with 'xorg@' might help here?
> I honestly believe it would not change much and that either not using
> irc anymore or officially logging (and posting on an http server) all
> irc channels would be much more useful.
> If no one feels strongly against it, I could try to log all the channels
> mentioned in your email, edit all non-relevant personal discussions
> which always happen there and post them somewhere about once a week but
> I find this rather inefficient and would prefer to see developers use
> the mailing lists directly.

As someone who hangs out on IRC a lot of the time, I feel pretty sure
that I can say that nothing important happens there related to X, with
the exception of #dri-devel's Monday meetings, which are logged
already.  About the only #freedesktop/#xorg communication someone could
have missed in the last week, that I can think of, was me asking keithp
what the deal was with modularization efforts these days and him

It seems to me, if we want better communication about the big plans, we
need minutes of the conference calls, where the roadmap seems to be
being laid out, rather than logs of all the end-user questions and
discussions of HURD and such that I've seen going on in IRC.

Eric Anholt                                eta at          anholt at

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