Xati frees with drm

Eric Anholt eta at lclark.edu
Sun May 16 21:40:40 PDT 2004

On Sun, 2004-05-16 at 21:19, Ralph Thomas wrote:
> > I don't plan on finishing 3d acceleration in kdrive at this point.  I've
> > still got to clean up the rest of my kaa diffs to start getting this
> > stuff into xorg, before I'd even have time for that.
> Out of curiosity, what things will you be changing in KAA? I ask only
> because I've written a simple VIA CLE266 driver for kdrive (VIA are
> currently reviewing the code). Currently it only accelerates copy and
> clear operations, but I want to add acceleration for the render
> operations and for off-screen pixmaps. If you're changing anything
> related to that, then I'd be especially interested :).
> Thanks,
>  Ralph

As far as solid/copy and off-screen pixmaps, nothing changes from the
driver's perspective.

For Composite, an optional CheckComposite hook is added which lets you
send a composite op to software before any migration occurs.  This is
critical for performance when an op will result in a software fallback. 
If you get the render accel working, adding CheckComposite is quick.  Be
sure to check with rendercheck from xapps, ignoring the dst coords test
which is broken due to my xlib cluelessness.

I'm extremely close to getting r100 render accel working.  After that,
I'm planning on testing r128 one more time and just committing all this,
and sorry for the messiness of the diffs that will be produced but
disentangling would be quite a bit of work.

Eric Anholt                                eta at lclark.edu          
http://people.freebsd.org/~anholt/         anholt at FreeBSD.org

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