[avahi] Mono-bindings: ServiceResolver not resolving...

Celso Pinto cpinto at yimports.com
Fri Sep 30 02:00:25 PDT 2005


> > - second user launches the application, publishes the service, first
> > user is notified, listens for publishers. Never finds out about 1st
> > user.
> Why doesn't he find out about the first user? Is this a bug in Avahi
> or intended behaviour? I still don't understand. :-(

My opinion is that apparently it's an Avahi bug (of course ;-))

> > > Is that Avahi 0.5 or SVN?
> > Downloaded from SVN on the 26th.
> Hrmm. The were some changes in SVN recently where the c# stuff wasn't
> up-to-date with the client library in regards to method
> signatures. 
> Please update to avahi 0.5.1. 
> (Current SVN is broken regarding avahi-sharp too)

Will do.

> Hmm, thanks. Honestly I cannot make much sense of the ethereal
> snapshot. I cannot distuinguish which query was issued by which client
> app. Is there any chance that you could repeat this stuff on two
> seperate hosts with different IP addresses?

Sure thing, but it'll take me some time as I need to install a Linux
image in QEmu. 


Celso Pinto <cpinto at yimports.com>
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