Aaagh! Re: [Clipart] new site design in progress

Alan Horkan horkana at
Mon Sep 13 08:47:51 PDT 2004

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:

> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 08:31:47 -0400
> From: Jonadab the Unsightly One <jonadab at>
> To: clipart at
> Subject: Re: Aaagh! Re: [Clipart] new site design in progress
> Jon Phillips <jon at> writes:
> > Good ideas...I've committed some of them. I changed the sidebar to a
> > lighter gray.
> This looks better to me -- goes better with the blue, IMO.  We'll see
> what the others think.

The grey clashes less with the blue, definately an improvement on the grey

> > I added some stubs on the Contribute section and hope people will
> > implement or comment out for the time being.
> After you said this, I poked around and discovered that Submit
> Screenshot and Review Incoming don't work.  Review Incoming should
> probably be commented out until we get something for adding keywords
> working, or the DMS in place, or something, at which point we can put
> it back and make it useful.
> Submit Screenshot is something I might be able to make work, if I get
> a little time this week.  Some questions, though...
>  * Do we want to put submitted screenshots into use immediately, or
>    have someone review them and move them over by hand?

If they are put to use immediately there should be a way for any user to
indicate if the system is being abused and for the image to be put in some
sort of a hold queue.

Given the sort of abuse we already have in the Wiki I think only approved
images should be publically displayed, the trick is making it easy to
approve an image.

>  * Do we want to require screenshots to be placed into the Public
>    Domain and have metadata, or is it enough that they are submitted
>    for our use on the website?

I suppose for screenshots of compositions using openclipart we would not
necessarily want to insist on it being public domain but we would have to
be clear about what we want to be able to use the image for.

We need at least enough metadata for a description and an ALT tag.  All
the screenshots so far have been created using Inkscape but the
application used might be an interesting bit of metadata.  (I never got
around to submitting my sample sheet of gradients, have it around
somewhere but no preview.)

>  * Do we want to require the submitter to upload also a reduced
>    267x200 preview version at the same time, or should we generate
>    them automatically?  (I think there's a recipe in this Perl
>    Cookbook for that using Image::Magick...)

The option might be useful for some images, where it would better to crop
them to produce a preview rather than just resize them.
Automatically generating a preview where none is provided would be a


Alan Horkan
Inkscape, Draw Freely
Free SVG Clip Art

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