[Clipart] Nazi flag

Paul Reinheimer paul.clipart at preinheimer.com
Thu Aug 4 07:03:06 PDT 2005

I'm going to have to weigh in on the side of tagging the image with apropriate
terms, and leaving within the repository, for a few reasons:

1. The image has historical merit, I'm not a fan of attempting to "whitewash
history" by removing references to the portions we find distastefull.

2. The image has educational merit, students at a variety of grade levels
still research nazi related subjects. For example (though many years ago
now) my grade 12 research project/book report stemmed from reading shindlers

3. Many images are going to be illegal somewhere. The laws present around
the world vary greatly, and I feel attempting to trim all images from the
database that are illegal somewhere would be counter productive. The list
is too long, and it prevents to many people who have a legal right to see
such images from seeing them.

That being said, I would be in favour of an attempt to mark images with
legal compliance tags, so re-distributers and such can obtain packages
legal to distribute in location X.

4. With reference to child porn and other contriversial images. Generally I
take a stance alongside this statement from the Freenet FAQ:

I don't want my node to be used to harbor child porn, offensive content or terrorism. What can I do?
The true test of someone who claims to believe in Freedom of Speech is whether they tolerate speech which they disagree with, or even find disgusting.

That being said, I understand that the repository itself must exist within
the laws of the country in which it resides, or face deletion and prosecution.
As such, I would 'vote' to prohibit submissions of an aparent child pornographic
nature, with a non-apologetic & non-jugmental statement stating that the
submission had to be rejected to keep the repository in compliance with the
laws of <country>.


 ------------Original Message------------
From: Open Clip Art Library Feedback Form <noreply at openclipart.org>
To: clipart at lists.freedesktop.org
Date: Wed, Aug-3-2005 10:24 PM
Subject: [Clipart] Nazi flag

Name: wos
E-mail: scheuing at realss.com

With search keyword "Germany" appears a nazi flag. Please remove this

Nobody needs such a flag. It is a sign for a cruel regime. Why do you
offer this flag???

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