[compiz] A few more bugs...

Vasek Potocek vasek.potocek at post.cz
Tue Mar 6 16:56:21 PST 2007


I found a couple bugs concerning my favourite Shade/Unshade function.

1) Sometimes the shaded window gets more space than it should and, of course, nobody takes care about it, so everything 
drawn on this space remains here. If I move a decorated window along, its shadow cummulates quickly to full black here. 
Unfortunately, I don't know any reliable way how to reproduce this. (But it seems that Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird 
tend to show this quite often.)
May these screenshots be of some help...
http://kfe.fjfi.cvut.cz/~potocek/work/storage/shade2.png (after minimizing the shaded window)
http://kfe.fjfi.cvut.cz/~potocek/work/storage/shade3.png (this have I found during typing this message)

2) This one should be easily reproducible:
- Shade one window (W1) on a viewport.
- Click another window (W2) to move focus on it.
- Unshade W1 by double-clicking its title bar.
- Click W2 again - it gets focus, but graphically it still looks like W1 has it. Repeated clicking on W2 doesn't help.

Sorry I have been always complaining, I don't mean it bad :-/


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