[compiz] Running Compiz in XGL

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 17:14:15 PDT 2008

2008/4/30 Joel Bosveld <joel.bosveld at gmail.com>:
> Sorry I misunderstood, I thought you were currently running with xgl also.
> Aiglx (at least from the users perspective) is just another way of doing
> what xgl does (with some advantages/disadvantages). As far as I understand
> the fglrx driver uses aiglx in order to do what xgl was doing for it (namely
> provide the texture_from_pixmap gl extension).
> To enable xgl it should be as simple as "sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl"
> then restart X.
> Joel

Actually, I might be running with XGL:
$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl
xserver-xgl is already the newest version.

How can I check if it is running? I tried xg<tab> with the hope that
some config app would come up, but no luck. I am willing to try aiglx,
how is that installed? Apt-cache did not find anything, and I have all
the major repos configured:

$ sudo apt-cache search aiglx

I tried using the open source drivers by disabling the blacklist
check, however, they performed even worse than the fglrx drivers. For
me, Compiz is not eye candy (I use the zoom and negative features) so
this is rather important to me. Though, I do enjoy installing Ubuntu
on friends machines after they drool over Wobbly Windows. :)

Dotan Cohen


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